Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 19

1.  Attendance
2.  Review from last class:
  • Let's take a fun quiz (not for a grade).
  • Next, write what a Rhetorical Analysis essay is about on Primary Wall. 
3. Writing Introductions and Conclusions in Rhetorical Analysis

  • Let's start on this powerpoint 
  • First, let's work on introductions.
  • Now thesis statements.
  • What thesis statement did you write from last class? Switch with a partner and critique. A good thesis statement should be:
    • Debatable
    • Not too wide, not too narrow
    • Analyzing the essay, not your opinion on the topic. 
    • Be polite! :)
  • Let's look at some conclusions.
Write an introduction for your analysis essay. Be sure to include the thesis statement we critiqued in class today.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 18

1. Attendance
2. APA Review

3. Outlining a Rhetorical Essay
The purpose of this task is to get you aware of how a rhetorical essay is structured

  • Warm up: Talk about how you have used outlines in the past. Write your experiences on the board
    • Talk about your experiences writing outlines in this class or other classes.
    • What is important in a good outline?
    • How has writing an outline help you in the writing process?
    • Is an outline always the same? How do you think an outline 
  • Main points to consider
    • 1) students are encouraged to make a brief outline with a thesis statement and main points before they start writing so that they have a clear sense of direction and purpose.
    •  2) a typical outline should have an introduction with a list of important background info and thesis statement and a body with main ideas (points) to support/elaborate the thesis
    •  3) students should always check the writing prompts to figure out what kinds of essential information should be included in the outline and that 
    • 4) reverse-engineering can be helpful when you are trying to imitate a structure of a good writing model but one should be careful not to follow it too closely or copy it blindly.  
    • Basically, thesis statement, main points, and conclusion are the core of any outline 
  • First, let's review the thesis statement. What does a thesis statement need?
      • Now, let's work on this worksheet in groups of three.
    • Now, in the same group, reverse outline this essay I will hand to you.

    Homework: Decide which essay you want to analyze for your rhetorical analysis. Write a thesis statement for your essay. Please either hand write it on a piece of paper or print out a word document.

    Writer's Help Exercises:
    Subject/Verb Agreement 1
    Subject/Verb Agreement 2
    Subject/Verb Agreement 3

    Next class: Review Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Statements, Writing Introductions and Conclusions for Rhetorical Analysis

    Wednesday, October 23, 2013

    Day 17

    1. Attendance
    2. Turn in your paragraph portfolio on compass
    3. Don't be too stressed out!!!
    4. Review Logical Fallacies
    In groups, find the fallacies in this Santa Claus handout.
    5. Evaluating Persuasive Strategies
    First, let's go over the guiding questions again together as a class.
    Second, let's analyze this essay together as a class.
    Finally, let's analyze an opposing perspective in groups.
    E-mail what you wrote today to use as your start for a draft of your analysis. 

    Next class: Developing Outline and Thesis for Rhetorical Analysis

    Start writing an analysis of either essay using the guiding questions. This assignment is for a grade!! Either print it out or write it by hand, but you need to turn it into for next class. 

    Monday, October 21, 2013

    Day 16

    1. Attendance
    2. Thoughts on reflection drafts
    • Save your document in the right format. .rtf should work.
    • You do not need to compliment me to get a good grade. 
    • Do not just describe what happened, also tell me interpret and discuss the current outcome.
    • Writing overall is much better than in previous paragraphs.   
     3. Analyzing persuasive strategies
    • Discuss the article you read for class.
    • What is the rhetorical context
    4. Logical Fallacies 

    First, let's do an activity.

    Then, let's look at this logical fallacies powerpoint. Fill out the handout I will give you meanwhile. 

    Next Class:
    Logical Fallacies, Writing Persuasive Strategies

    Start working on writing your rhetorical analysis now. Use what we learned today to help you. Your first draft of the Rhetorical Analysis essay will be due November 8th at 9AM. Please analyze the essay we read in class today or this essay you will read for the next class.
    • Read this essay for next class. Look for the rhetorical context and ethos, pathos, and logos.
    • Read this handout on logical fallacies from the University of North Carolina
    • Your paragraph portfolio is due Wednesday,October 23rd at 9AM. 
      • The rubric with guidelines is here.
      • Everyday the portfolio is late, your grade drops 25%. 

    Wednesday, October 16, 2013

    Day 15

    1. Attendance
    2. Thoughts on paragraphs.
    • Four separate paragraphs. One for each topic: compare/contrast, cause/effect, process, and reflection.
    • Be careful with commas and run on sentences.
    • Remember format.
    • Be careful with word choice.
    • Look at the rubric to give you help. 
    3. Review Rhetorical Situations and Persuasive Strategies
    Let's take this fun quiz. Not for a grade. 

    4. How to do a Rhetorical Analysis Paper
    • First, let's go through this powerpoint. Why is analysis important?
    • Next lets go through your homework you did last class.
    Next Class: Identifying logical fallacies and evaluating persuasive strategies.

    • Your paragraph portfolio is due Wednesday,October 24th at 9AM. 
      • The rubric with guidelines is here. 
    • Your reflection paragraph is due Friday, October 18th at 9AM. You may also send it to me earlier through e-mail. 
    • Start working on writing your rhetorical analysis now. Use what we learned today to help you. Your first draft of the Rhetorical Analysis essay will be due November 8th at 9AM
    • For next Monday read this article and then fill out this chart. Write a short analysis on the article using these questions.
      • Don't worry about being perfect in your writing. The purpose is to get you thinking

    Sunday, October 13, 2013

    Day 14

    1. Attendance
    2. Housekeeping
    • Workload is going to increase. Be careful managing your time!
    • Free grammar tutoring!!!!!
    3. Rhetorical devices- Understanding Rhetorical Situations
    Rhetorical Thinking important for your writing/reading/listening/critical thinking in English and your native language. This is one of the most important skills I learned in undergraduate! 
    For this unit we will prepare a 3-4 page essay analyzing rhetorical situations. This will help prepare you for ESL 112.

    Warm up: First, lets look at these three different forms of communication by me.
    One, two, three
    • How are these different?
    • List as many forms of communication you do. List in groups on the board.
    • The type of communication we do in class depends on the Rhetorical Situation
    • Let's look at this powerpoint
    • Now pick three kinds of rhetorics you wrote on the board and analyze them with this worksheet.
    • Finally,write two to three compare/contrast sentences comparing the kinds of rhetoric we did in class.
    4. Persuasive Strategies
    Now, we are going to discuss persuasive strategies. Let's look at advertising as an example.
    Look at the this Analysis of Rhetorical Situations handout
    Now analyze the rhetorical appeals in this different handout in groups of three.

    Next Class:

    Your paragraph portfolio final drafts will be due next Wednesday, October 24th by 9AM. 
    Hint: do it on Sunday, not Monday morning. Here is a link to the paragraph portfolio rubric to give you some guidelines.

    Do a Rhetorical Analysis Chart of an article I will give you. This is due Wednesday.

    Your draft of your reflection paragraph will be due Friday.

    Writer's Help Exercises:

    Saturday, October 5, 2013

    Day 13

    1. Attendance
    2. How to double space and indent
    3. Don't abuse spellcheck.
    4. Portfolio Paragraph rubric
    • I made a mistake. Each paragraph is worth 5%. 
    5. Process Article- "How Does a Camera Work?"
    • Outline first part together
    • Outline in groups
    • Discuss answers
    • Discuss paragraph one and two in smaller groups. Put your thoughts on primary wall
    • How is this different from cause/effect and compare/contrast paragraphs?
    6. APA reference page

    7. Reflection 

    • Write for 5 minutes with what you think about this quote and picture. This is called free writing.
    • We are at mid-term now! Let's take some time to reflect on the semester. 
    • Next remember reflective writing consists of:
      • Description
      • Interpretation
      • Outcome
    • Critique a reflective paragraph I wrote. Yes, I made mistakes :) Where are the big three?
    • I reflected on my travels. Now, I want you to reflect on your writing so far this semester. Look at the reflective questions here.DO NOT try to answer all the questions.
    • What signal words would you use? See signal words here. Apply them.
    • Save your paragraphs, you will turn these into me next Friday.

    Next Class:
    Reflection paragraphs, Understanding rhetorical situations

    Process paragraphs are due next Monday. Put them in the folder I will show you in class.
    Start writing your reflection paragraph. Use what you wrote in class as a start. A draft will be due Friday October 18th. 
    Suggested Reading: Writing a Reflective EssayRhetorical Functions in writing: Reflection

    Day 12

    1. Attendance
    Just for laughs:

    2. Speaking voice in class
    3. Cause/Effect short review
    4. Let's take a fun APA quiz
    5. Process Paragraph
    • We have learned Compare/Contrast and Cause/Effect. Now we will learn Process.
    • Think about the processes we see in the video.
    • Two kinds of process writing
      • how to do something
      • how something works. Which one is this video?
    • Next, let's watch this youtube video. While watching, think about how you would explain the process in your own words.
      • Vocabulary for this video:
        • Nouns: domino, car, ball, string, club, lever, cone, mouse trap
        • Verbs: hit, pull down, release, slide down, follow, go down/up, knock over, send, throw
    • In groups, write part of what happened in the video with this handout.
      • Hint: Make a list!
    • Share your outlines.
    • Next, take the outline and add details.
    • Finally, add signal words using this list to help you. Yes, you decide where each word goes.
    • How is this paragraph structure different than Compare/Contrast or Cause/Effect?
      • Brainstorm ideas with your row.
    Next Class:
    APA references, Reflection Paragraph

    • Read this sample process article. Think about how it shows a process.
    • Start working on your process paragraph. It is due Monday, October 14th. You can write on any process. Speak to me if you need ideas.
    • Suggested reading: Writing a Process Paragraph