2. Writer's Help
3. E-mail Manners
4. Interpreting Writing Prompts
- What is a writing prompt?
- Analyze prompt together
- Analyze second prompt in groups
- Thesis Statements (see powerpoint here)
- Outlining Basics (see powerpoint here)
- Revise Sample Outlines
Diagnostic Revision Process Assignment
Reverse Outline your diagnostic assignment using the rules you learned about outlines. Please upload the outline template, here. The outline is due 9/11. Then upload it to the Diagnostic Essay Outline folder, here. It is worth 5% of your grade!
Writer's Help Exercises
Please do the following two exercises.:
All Uses of the Comma
Using Articles 1
They are due the next class 9/9. You should be able to find the articles on the link. If you can't please search for the article. You can use Writer's Help to give you guidance on how to do the exercises or you are welcome to visit me during my office hours.
Remember Reflection #1 Essay is due today. Please put it in the folder called Reflection Essay #1, here, Every day the paper is late, the credit drops 25%. Please do not do it late,as it is easy points! Please name it NetIDReflection1. My netID is kbecker4, so I would name the file kbecker4Reflection1.